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Empowering Latino Christian Educators and Administrators

Latino Association of Administrators and Christian Educators






We encourage, develop, equip, and empower Christian educators and administrators to effectively fulfill their calling as teachers and agents of transformation in their schools.

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We Protect Christian Educators
in Their Profession

Our Members with Coverage provides educators:

  • Professional Liability coverage for damages arising from professional liability lawsuits.

  • A Job Protection Benefit that provides legal representation, a myriad of insurance services, credit union membership, financial and estate planning and retirement and annuity programs

  • Unlimited Attorney consultations, educational certification and license consultations and professional development opportunities.


LAACE will walk with you, pray with you, and stand with you.

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We Equip Christian Educators
to Transform Their Schools

To equip and empower Christian educators to be transformational agent in their schools, we have developed faith initiatives:

  • Faith and Education (Webinars) free webinar and workshops that explains how to be a witness for your faith legally in public schools.

  • R.I.S.E : Rally to Inspire, Serve and Empower. These gathering inspires and empowers educators across entire regions to share Jesus in their schools.

  • The Joseph Project: Weekend and workshop/seminars that helps to lift up and strengthen transformational teacher/leaders who are transforming their schools.


Become a Member

 LAACE is a national association who is organizing and recruiting this particular "niche group" of Christ-centered school educators and administrators to serve as a national voice of advocacy and support for our Latino children and families in their schools.

Become a Partner

LAACE is a professional association serving educators, administrators, and support staff in public, private  and charter schools through its  daily operations and supported by its membership fees. Our partners will support efforts targeted above and beyond the daily support of our members.

Make a Donation
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Donate and give to support and share our vision that our public schools are in need of transformation and that our transformational mission is accomplished locally through individual partners, churches and friends of education like you!!

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